Channel Islands Trip Hero

Global Engagement

The CCE provides experiential learning that empowers students to become engaged global citizens. 

Every year the CCE facilitates three to four global education study-travel programs. These trips are designed to foster deep reflection and community engagement at three levels: local, national, and global. We work hard to craft learning opportunities that aren’t available to the casual traveler, often forgoing popular tourist destinations to prioritize conversations with local activists and experts.

As part of our commitment to equity and inclusion, the CCE provides substantial financial aid to make these programs accessible to all students. We are able to offer aid to any student receiving tuition assistance once per division. We also support individual student travel through the Falik Fund for International Study Travel.


Mission Statement

As a founding member of the Global Education Benchmark Group, Head-Royce believes that Global Education develops the knowledge, skills, and empathic orientation required to understand multiple perspectives and to thrive in increasingly interconnected world systems. A global citizen acts to promote the common good locally, nationally, and internationally.

We believe this work of Global Education is deeply aligned with the School’s dedication to sustainability, equity, and civic engagement, and that the most meaningful Global Education occurs at the intersection of these initiatives. 

With these goals in mind, Head-Royce works to advance Global Education through our curriculum, study travel experiences, and institutional partnerships.




The Black Experience in America

The Black Experience in America: Washington D.C.
April 2019

Of Cuba and Connections

Of Cuba and Connections
February 2019